Tuesday 8 January 2013


Hey Lovelies,

So for week #1 of the I LOVE ME Challenge I have used an idea that I think is really nice and the perfect way to make this year one that you remember! (Just to clarify, I didn't make this idea up I saw it on a friend Laura's blog which you can see here).

The 2013 memory jar is the perfect way to ensure you don't forget anything good that happens over the next twelve months.
Decorate your jar how ever you like (or not.....remember it's your jar so do what you want!) Then all you have to do is pop little notes in to your jar through out the year, they can be good things that happened, dates you want to remember, inspirational quotes, goals......you can put what ever you want in there. I have put my new years resolutions in mine....we will find out if I stuck to them! Then at the end of the year you can take them out and look back at what you have achieved or what has changed over the year.

Our human nature means that when good things happen we feel great at that moment but if something bad happens we feel bad for longer....the reason being that we tend to store the good things at the back of our brains and the bad stays at the front! This is why we can often look back and only remember the bad things.....so by filling your jar with good things you won't forget a moment!

If you don't like the idea of a jar or don't have the space you could do the same thing in a journal, this could be your book of gratification. You could start the book off by writing a note or letter to yourself, maybe noting how you're feeling in this moment, what you want to change or achieve over the coming months, your new years resolutions. You can also write the good things that happened.....you can put what ever you like in you book or jar as it is yours! You don't have to share it with anyone (unless you want to) so don't worry about what you put in there!

Here is my I LOVE ME Week #1 Video

So that's week 1 done......see you on Friday for the next challenge!

I hope you have had a great start to 2013 and I hope it is a year full of great things!

Grace xoxo

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